
Never Say Nope

Thursday, February 11, 2010

White Winter Pearmain

WHITE WINTER PEARMAIN is also known as Cambellite, Campbellite, White Pearmain, Griffin's Pearmain in Texas, and Winter White Pearmain. There is confusion about the history, and uncertainty on its American origin and distribution. It is speculated to be of eastern United States origin, and was recorded in 1849, but others claim it is an English apple that dates to 1200 A.D. Medium in size and round to conical in shape, the pale-yellow skin is flushed irregularly a brownish-red and covered with russet dots. The skin is waxy and tough. The yellowish-white flesh is crisp, juicy and tender with a subacid flavor that approaches being sweet. The moderately vigorous tree has oval, medium-sized and medium-green leaves folded and reflexed. The serrations are sharp, regular and shallow. The tree grows tall and upright, and the bark is a dark-red on new growth with numerous lenticels. A low chill variety that is an excellent pollinator for other varieties, it ripens in late September and early October.

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