
Never Say Nope

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hot Water Lobster Instant Hot Water Valve

There is a lot more waste going on than meets the eye when it comes to water usage. We humans are wasting enormous amounts of one of our most precious natural resources on a daily basis, and there is a simple inexpensive way to eliminate that waste.

Wasting water is wasting energy.

When you waste water you waste energy. Most water needs to be pumped from somewhere to get to your fixtures, whether it's your own well, a river, or from a reservoir, it generally needs to be pumped. Pumping of course requires energy. Generating the energy to pump the water usually results in green house gas emissions and other pollution.

Running water down the drain increases the amount of sewage water that must be treated.

Sewage generally must be processed before it is released into a river or wherever the sewage is discharged to. Processing sewage takes more energy. And as we've previously noted, wastefully using energy leads to more green house gasses being released into our precious atmosphere and possibly contributes to global warming and environmental problems.

How much water is being wasted?

In order to determine how much water is being wasted in the United States each year due to people running water down the drain needlessly while they wait for the hot water to arrive, we need to get an idea of how much water is wasted in that fashion in a typical US home.

When the water in your hot water pipe and the Hot Water Lobster control valve cools
below the user adjustable temperature (77-140 degrees F), the thermal materials within the Hot
Water Lobster control valve contract, and silently open the valve. Thermal convection within your hot
water tank naturally circulates the cooled water through your existing cold water pipes and back to
the hot water tank for reheating. Your existing hot water tank now uses less energy reheating warm
water instead of cold ground temperature water. When fresh hot water enters your hot water pipe and
the Hot Water Lobster control valve, the valve automatically closes. This maintains hot water at the
control valve without wasting water or energy. Turn on your faucet or shower and you get instant hot
water. When you mount the Hot Water Lobster instant hot water control valve in the fixture furthest
from your hot water tank (as shown in the installation diagram) all other fixtures in your house will also
have faster hot water.

The Hot Water Lobster is all mechanical and designed to provide an
electricity free solution to maintain hot water at the tap. This makes installation a snap (in less than 10 minutes). Other hot water solutions require the use of electricity and pumps that make installation
difficult and the pumps are often noisy.It is a tankless water heater.

The Hot Water Lobster has a solid brass valve body with an adjustable thermal
controlled mechanical stainless steel valve stem enclosed in a mounting box

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